France Médias Monde, the group in charge of French international broadcasting, has enhanced its educational mission during the Covid-19 crisis by providing TV, radio and online audiovisual content with a strong educational purpose for students around the world.
France Médias Monde
Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Media organization
Established : 2012
Education and COVID-19 Response
France Médias Monde, the group in charge of French international broadcasting, comprises the news channels France 24, the international radio station RFI and the Arabic-language radio station Monte Carlo Doualiya. France Médias Monde broadcasts to the world in 180 countries, 18 languages and attracts every week 207.3 million viewers.
France Médias Monde’s three media outlets offer several educational programs on various topics: culture and basic knowledge, learning French and foreign languages.
All programs are available worldwide through digital channels and on television and radio (cable, satellite, FM). The group's radio stations also broadcast through shortwave bands and collaborate through a network of partner-radios, making shows available even in the most remote places.
Regional Focus
Part of France Médias Monde daily activities is to ensure an educational mission. With the current pandemic, this commitment has been further enhanced in order to provide pedagogic continuity and to support students, teachers and families.
France Médias Monde takes part in the national educational initiative "Nation Apprenante" launched by the French Ministry of Education, putting forward editorial content linked with school programs. The group has also continued its cooperation with LUMNI, an educational platform by the French public broadcasting sector and institutions like the Agency for French education abroad (AEFE). Furthermore, France Médias Monde dedicated some of its programs to distance learning such as "l’Ecole à la radio" on RFI, a daily program that aims to provide basic knowledge to young students and their families as a support after school closures. Part of it is also an online quiz called "What about Covid?" (Quid du Covid) on France 24.
All these resources are available on the website RFI Savoirs that gathers a large amount of resources to learn French and to improve its knowledge in various fields (history, geography, economy….).
Action areas
Learner Wellbeing
Digital Learning Content
Advocacy and Communication

Primary Contact
Ms. Fanny Boyer