Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of more than 1,400 civil society organisations committed to ending child marriage and enabling girls to fulfil their potential. We will work with our member organisations and other allies to ensure that all girls are able to return to school following the pandemic.
Girls Not Brides
London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Civil society organization
Established : 2011
Education and COVID-19 Response
We will work with our member organisations and other allies to strengthen gender equality in and through education.
We will collaborate with members to generate research and evidence to better understand the gendered impacts of school closures, especially for girls at risk of child marriage. We will document and share good practice to ensure continuity of learning and return to school, focusing in particular on interventions relating to child marriage and early pregnancy.
We will work with members to support advocacy and communications efforts to promote continuity of learning and return to school. This includes raising awareness in communities and campaigning for progressive policies such as re-entry policies for pregnant girls.
We will advocate for country level action to prevent widening gender inequalities in education, encouraging our members to engage with the development of gender-responsive education sector plans and policies that take into account the needs of girls at risk of child marriage.
Regional Focus
Countries of Interest
Bangladesh, Guatemala, Niger, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania
Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of more than 1,400 civil society organisations committed to ending child marriage and enabling girls to fulfil their potential. We will work with our members and other allies to ensure that all girls are able to return to school and to prevent an increase in child marriage and other vulnerabilities following the pandemic.
Action areas
Advocacy and Communication

Primary Contact
Ms. Emma Pearce