KPMG will deploy our international network and technical expertise to support inclusive scaling up of distance learning solutions aiming for no young learner to be left behind. As a member of the Global Education Coalition, we commit to providing UNESCO with pro bono resources to progress the Coalition’s missions.


Geneva, Switzerland
Private sector company
Established : 1870
Education and COVID-19 Response

Support the equitable continuation of learning
During the COVID-19 pandemic
Ensure a full and fair return to education
Following the pandemic
Strengthen learning systems
For the future
Strengthen gender equality in and through education

As a signatory to the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles, we are committed to promoting gender equality through education, training and other community initiatives. We participate in volunteering programs which educate and mentor girls and women, and also aim to consider gender in our wider education and learning community support programs. Further, we will look to harness our experience from Equal Measures 2030 (- an independent civil society and private sector-led partnership which connects data and evidence with advocacy and action to fuel progress towards gender equality).

Regional Focus


Countries of Interest

Kenya, Cayman Islands, Canada


As this crisis impacts every aspect of our lives, KPMG believes that its support for communities must be focused. We are therefore prioritizing education which is our critical long-term corporate citizenship priority, in addition to health and wellbeing given the nature of the crisis.

KPMG's Covid-19 education activity includes new initiatives as well as taking our existing support online whenever possible, including:
• Providing UNESCO with pro bono resources to progress the Coalition’s missions.
• Virtual learning support to students including cyber safety training, free online coding courses, subject tuition, online study groups, e-mentoring and practice interviews.
• Donation of funds, laptops and books to support education not-for-profit organizations.

Our contribution to the Coalition’s missions will harness the education and lifelong learning experience we have developed through our pro bono and volunteering work, our role as a learning provider, and our provision of professional services to the education sector.

Action areas

Learner Wellbeing

Learning opportunities

Digital Learning Content

Develop or provide free and contextually appropriate learning content
Build or strengthen learning platforms
Provision of books and printed learning materials

Capacity Development

Capacity development to support distance learning
Capacity development to strengthen system resilience and response to future shocks

Advocacy and Communication

Evaluate the effectiveness of distance learning strategies

Advocacy and Communication

Secondment of staff

Primary Contact

Ms. Serena Brown

Director, Global Corporate Citizenship

Senior Contact

Ms. Jane Lawrie

Global Head of Corporate Affairs