Cambridge Education’s mission is to ensure that all children can improve their lives through access to high quality education. During, and long after, the COVID-19 pandemic, we will continue to strive for children to access safe, healthy and stimulating learning environments.

Cambridge Education

Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Private sector company
Established : 1976
Education and COVID-19 Response

Support the equitable continuation of learning
During the COVID-19 pandemic
Ensure a full and fair return to education
Following the pandemic
Strengthen learning systems
For the future
Strengthen gender equality in and through education

Cambridge Education has strong technical expertise in all three flagship areas, but we will choose 'Strengthening Gender Equality in and through education' as the flagship we can contribute to. We have deep practical experience advancing this objective in different contexts and amongst our technical staff are some of the foremost experts in this area. Several of our current and largest programmes, in South Sudan and Sierra Leone for example, are specifically focused on issues surrounding girls' education. Furthermore, we have recently entered into partnership to take forward the Girl's Education Challenge Fund into Phase 2 of its implementation, as the technical lead, which highlights the extensive and hands-on grasp we bring to this field.

Regional Focus


Countries of Interest

United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Pakistan, South Sudan

Member Video

Cambridge Education is committed to supporting education systems to deliver the life chances and learning that all children need to realise their potential. In response to the devastating effects of COVID-19, Cambridge Education has combined its 30+ years of international education experience to support Governments to pivot and adapt national education programmes, so that children stayed safe, well and learning through the crisis.

We have responded with digital-media solutions to ensure equitable continuation of learning, while supporting Ministries of Education to find routes to return to learning for all after the crisis. This support aims to maximise opportunities for all children to recover, catch up and keep learning progressively.

To harness our collective learning Cambridge Education established 5 Covid-19 response Working Groups - on safeguarding, systems, teachers, accelerated learning, and continued learning. These Groups combine experience, thinking and reflection across our technical teams, many of them at the front line of the education emergency.

Working with the Coalition, we hope to help shape the solutions emerging in real-time in countries around the world; as well as employ the capacity of our technical staff and others to draw-down technical assistance for sector-wide thinking and problem-solving.

Action areas

Learner Wellbeing

Learning opportunities
Social and emotional support

Digital Learning Content

Create or enable access to teacher training resources

Capacity Development

Capacity development to support distance learning
Capacity development to manage the reopening and return to education
Capacity development to strengthen system resilience and response to future shocks
Capacity development to support and provide training to teaching staff

Advocacy and Communication

Outreach to parents and communities on the right to education

Primary Contact

Ms. Khadijah Fancy

Senior Education Advisor

Senior Contact

Mr. Andy Brock

Managing Direction International Education