The Learning Agency will organize the Learning Engineering Tools Competition to identify and support tools that will accelerate K-12 learning loss and advance education R&D.

The Learning Agency

Washington, DC, United States of America
Private sector company
Established : 2012
Education and COVID-19 Response

Support the equitable continuation of learning
During the COVID-19 pandemic
Ensure a full and fair return to education
Following the pandemic
Strengthen learning systems
For the future
Close digital divides and enhance connectivity for education

The Learning Agency will organize the Learning Engineering Tools Competition to identify and support tools that will accelerated K-12 learning loss and advance education R&D. See more here.

Regional Focus

Europe and North America

Countries of Interest

United States of America

Member Video

During COVID, we've focused on leveraging unprecedented challenges to encourage transformative changes in education. As a part of that, we organized the 2020 Tools Competition for Schmidt Futures and Citadel Founder and CEO Ken Griffin to solicit proposals from individuals around the globe to submit innovative edtech tools that could accelerate learning. We received just under 900 proposals and named 18 winners. The winners are projected to impact 20 million students globally in the next three years.

We supported all participants, not just the winners, to develop their ideas and provided in-kind support and feedback.

This year, we are hosting the competition again, but now with more sponsors and a larger prize purse of $4 million USD.

Action areas

Learner Wellbeing

Learning opportunities

Universal Connectivity

Strengthen infrastructure to expand the reach of connectivity

Digital Learning Content

Build or strengthen learning platforms

Capacity Development

Capacity development to support distance learning

Advocacy and Communication

Generate disaggregated data on connectivity for learning
Evaluate the effectiveness of distance learning strategies

Primary Contact

Ms. Meg Benner


Senior Contact

Mr. Ulrich Boser

CEO and Founder