For education equity and inclusion, IBM has developed a number of resources designed to support distance learning for students of all ages, job seekers and teachers. The focus has been on providing access to high quality resources at no cost that can help support a worldwide audience of learners.
IBM Corporation
New York, United States of America
Private sector company
Established : 1911
Education and COVID-19 Response
IBM is committed to ensuring that all learners have access to high quality educational resources that will prepare them with the skills and credentials required for competitive careers.
IBM has developed learning platforms that offer a growing and comprehensive set of free digital resources designed to support distance learning for students, job seekers and teachers.
For young people, IBM provides foundational coursework on emerging technologies, including cybersecurity, AI and cloud computing, as well as professional skills like Design Thinking and Agile. For adult learners in need of upskilling or reskilling, IBM provides a curated path of job-focused learning in growing IT fields, that encompass both digital and professional skills.
As they progress through their learning journeys, all learners earn digital badges - the same ones earned by IBM professionals – that they can share on their online resumes as a demonstration that they have mastered skills required for in-demand jobs.
Regional Focus
Europe and North America
Countries of Interest
France, Germany, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, India
Given our footprint in 170 countries around the world and our longstanding efforts in education, IBM is acutely aware of how critical it is to support learning. IBM is committed to supporting the Coalition’s work during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and in the crucial days that follow, as schools seek to ameliorate significant losses of learning, particularly among our most vulnerable students.
IBM has developed 3 specific resources designed to support distance learning for students of all ages and job seekers at no cost, with new learning posted regularly, and content supporting multiple languages. Those resources can help support a worldwide audience of learners during this most challenging time.
- IBM Skills (https://www.ibm.com/skills/) provides curated programs and courses, live learning events, AI professional development series, and digital badging for teachers, students and parents.
- Open P-TECH (https://www.ptech.org/open-p-tech/) is a free, digital education experience for students, aged 14-20, and educators, providing foundational knowledge on key topics, including cybersecurity, AI and cloud computing, as well as professional skills like Design Thinking and Agile.
– IBM SkillsBuild (www.skillsbuild.org) connects adult learners with a curated path of job-focused learning, supported by demand-driven organizations.
Action areas
Learner Wellbeing
Digital Learning Content
Capacity Development
Advocacy and Communication

Primary Contact
Ms. Isabelle Biadatti