Our commitment is to use our convening power to keep students in Africa aware of the opportunities to keep learning during the COVID-19 and to advocate strongly for decision-makers to make education inclusive so that no one is left behind.
ACCRA, Ghana
International or regional organization
Established : 1972
Education and COVID-19 Response
One of the key strategic priorities of the All-Africa Students Union is gender advocacy.
Violence Against Women and Girls and COVID-19:
As the COVID-19 dramatically increased domestic violence against women, we used our convening power to bring this issue to the fore and garner broad support to stop this surge through our webinars and infographics.
Girls’ Return to School:
We fear that most children, especially girls may never return to the classroom even after the pandemic is over. Why? Most companies have laid-off workers and if caregivers are affected, this will potentially harm the chances of children making it back to school. The situation of young girls is particularly alarming, given the tendency to marry them off to make money for the family. In response to this, we are asking our constituents to put together campaigns to get girls back to school when schools reopen.
Regional Focus
Countries of Interest
Cabo Verde, Gambia, Kenya, Gabon, Ghana
Member Video
Our commitment is to use our convening power to keep students in Africa aware of the opportunities to keep learning during the COVID-19 and to advocate strongly for decision-makers to make education inclusive so that no one is left behind.
Grassroots Mobilizing Capacity:
As a continent-wide students’ organization, our critical asset is our grassroots mobilizing capacity. Something we utilize to sensitize and build solidarity to be strategic partners in the design and delivery of education.
Innovation & Creativity:
As young people, we are active agents of change and understand that the current happenings today will affect our future tomorrow. During this pandemic, students have used their innate abilities and energy to come up with a lot of innovative solutions across the Continent.
Our constituents have been a key driving force in the production and distribution of PPEs and other necessaries, using their youth and energy to reach the marginalized. The spirit of volunteerism and selflessness has never been desperately needed as now.
Research and Data Collection:
Having a footprint across the continent and being end-users of education content and applications, we are best positioned to give critical feedback that is necessary for evidence-based decision making.
Action areas
Learner Wellbeing
Capacity Development
Advocacy and Communication

Primary Contact
Mr. Samuel Sasu Adonteng