We offer our experience and methodology in creating spaces of encounter between young people from different cultures, contexts and cults to help them cope with this difficult situation with social - emotional support techniques.
Scholas Occurrentes Pontifical Foundation
Vatican City, Holy See
Non-profit organization
Established : 2013
Education and COVID-19 Response
- Offer virtual encounters that promote an education in values for the Culture of Encounter
- Support educational systems with digital tolls and methodologies that could help them reach students from all contexts and realities.
- Build partnerships that can contribute to the achievement of this goal.
Regional Focus
Latin America and Caribbean
Countries of Interest
Argentina, Italy, Spain, Mozambique, Haiti
Scholas Occurrentes Pontifical Foundation is an international non-profit organization created by Pope Francis in 2013, that works with youth in more than 190 countries to educate them in the “Culture of Encounter” through arts, sports, and technology, with the purpose of encouraging young people to identify the main problems within their communities and develop innovative solutions.
With the onset of the crisis resulting from COVID19, Scholas summoned hundreds of students from 60 cities around the world to participate in the First World Youth Cyber Meeting on Covid-19 in order to listen to their voice, share feelings, experiences and to create together a space for meeting and reflection on this difficult situation.
Based on our experience, we offer our experience and methodology to replicate this experience and put it at the service of the whole educational community, confident that together we can build bridges to help countries assure the inclusive and equitable provision of education in this context of global crisis, and to guarantee the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 proposed by the United Nations.
Action areas
Learner Wellbeing
Advocacy and Communication
Primary Contact
Mr. Agustin Dellagiovanna