High quality support to professional learning innovation.

EDEN - European Distance and E-Learning Network

Milton Keynes, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Non-profit organization
Established : 1992
Education and COVID-19 Response


Support the equitable continuation of learning
During the COVID-19 pandemic
Ensure a full and fair return to education
Following the pandemic
Strengthen learning systems
For the future
Supporting and empowering educators

We offer experience and expertise in the fields of e-learning, open, distance education, lifelong and adult learning, partnership with services in dissemination, communication, valorisation of achievements by networking, evaluation, quality development, observatory, and knowledge base building. EDEN offers solid leadership experience for recognition of values of the digital and networked society.

Development of capacities and competences by EDEN services helps to respond to changes in learners’ and community needs, reaching extended populations, exploit the technological advances, capitalising stakeholders’ ideas.

EDEN’s virtual events with free access include the successful series of online seminars (COVID19), for enhancement of innovation, reliability and quality of teachers' activities in the complex field of digital education.

EDEN offers involvement in the European Distance Learning Week organised since 2016, in the Webinar Series of the Network of Academics and Professionals, the Open Classroom Conference (K-12).

Young scholars since 2010 can join EDEN and receive services for free.

Regional Focus

Europe and North America

Countries of Interest

Italy, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Spain, Norway, Belgium


EDEN is the largest and most comprehensive, inclusive European network of institutions, scholars, experts, practitioners and professionals in open, distance and e-learning, with growing extent and increasing complexity of activities.

For the credible professional consolidation of the digital learning world, we have firm experience in developing learning effectiveness by new technologies, synergies with organisation building, strategic international partnerships and networking, knowledge development and sharing. We help widening the capacities on basis of the committed European professional community and international partnerships.

EDEN owns and runs the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, ranked as one of the most important non-US online periodicals in the field, offered fully for free online, contributing to the Open Content movement.

Highlighting quality and excellence is firm element in our efforts, like by the highly ranked EDEN Fellow award, a scheme of recognition of professional merit and of support to the development of European professional community.

About 25% of the contributions submitted to our conferences are coming from outside Europe, showing acknowledgement of reputation of EDEN as hub for international networking

Action areas

Learner Wellbeing

Learning opportunities

Digital Learning Content

Digitize curriculum
Develop or provide free and contextually appropriate learning content
Create or enable access to teacher training resources

Capacity Development

Capacity development to support distance learning
Capacity development to manage the reopening and return to education
Capacity development to support and provide training to teaching staff

Advocacy and Communication

Assess the short-term impact of educational disruption

Primary Contact

Mr. Andras SZUCS

Secretary General

Senior Contact

Ms. Sandra Kucina Softic
