The mission of Gulli AFRICA is to educate children while entertaining them.
Neuilly Sur Seine, France
Media organization
Established : 2015
Education and COVID-19 Response
Our animation series and programmes always pay a central attention to gender equality which we think is major in kids programming to help strengthening this evolution for future generations. Among such programming, Pirata and Capitano, the adventures of a little pirate girl or The Loud House and 10 sisters with strong characters... Little girls need inspiring heroines to identify with and programs are a powerful vehicle for girls empowerment. We also offer live action series for an older audience worn by female figures. We can quote the novelas Kally’s Mashup, or we follow the adventures of a young classical music prodigy who tries to reconcile her passion for music and her life as a normal teenager.
Regional Focus
Countries of Interest
Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Senegal
Member Video
We launched Gulli AFRICA five years ago and our mission has always been to educate and entertain children.
Since the beginning of the Covid crisis, we have strengthened our educational programming with programs such as Ubongo Kids, a Tanzanian series that trains children in mathematics and science, Dimitri, a series that has received many awards and that allows you to discover geography or Kiva Can Do which offers Arts and Crafts activities to realize at home.
We also produced an animated and musical clip to present the barrier gestures and a series Trop Bien Chez Toi with our animator Moussier Tombola and his acolytes. They offer playful sketches to reinvent his daily life at home.
Television is a great medium for spreading knowledge to as many people as possible but it does not replace the school,
Gulli AFRICA will support UNESCO’s campaign to promote a full and fair return to education for all children.
Action areas
Learner Wellbeing
Advocacy and Communication

Primary Contact
Ms. Maud Branly