Delivering the voice of Chinese education

Phoenix Satellite Television Co., Ltd.

Media organization
Established : 1996
Education and COVID-19 Response

Support the equitable continuation of learning
During the COVID-19 pandemic
Ensure a full and fair return to education
Following the pandemic
Strengthen learning systems
For the future
Close digital divides and enhance connectivity for education

Phoenix Education and FengShows can cooperate with other Coalition members. Together we can design online courses and enroll learners through the Phoenix media matrix. Through 60 news offices around the world, the Phoenix InfoNews Channel can ensure broad coverage of the Coalition's news and campaigns to generate wider impact among Chinese-speaking audiences.

In addition, Phoenix can participate in UNESCO African projects on setting up education channels or education programs at existing national TV stations.

Regional Focus

Asia and the Pacific

Countries of Interest


Member Video

Phoenix Education is Phoenix's professional education organization. Phoenix EDU trains elites and high-end management talents mainly for the media industry. We combine Chinese and world media with local features, introducing international educational resources and developing advanced level curriculum systems. For media education, we gradually extend courses and implement professional teaching models. Furthermore, we are promoting a Phoenix Education Online branch to advance remote education, which is a valuable solution for continuous learning during the epidemic.

In order to reach broader learners, Phoenix also launched FengShows application to provide users with 7*24 hours of comprehensive, multi-angle, authoritative and reports and live broadcasts. It supports audiences’ full information autonomy and presents over 70 video programs of Phoenix TV. FengShows also could act as an online course dissemination platform for Coalition projects.

Action areas

Learner Wellbeing

Cultural and leisure

Digital Learning Content

Digitize curriculum
Establish and expand repositories of learning resources
Build or strengthen learning platforms

Advocacy and Communication

Outreach to parents and communities on the right to education
Back-to-school campaigns

Primary Contact


Director of International Cooperation & Events Operation

Senior Contact


Vice President, Head of Chinese Channel