Tu clase, tu país commitment is to support the implementation of innovative strategies for teachers professional development and education continuity for students, in any context, in order to assure de right of a quality education for everyone.

Tu clase, tu país

Santiago, Chile
Non-profit organization
Established : 2012
Education and COVID-19 Response


Support the equitable continuation of learning
During the COVID-19 pandemic
Strengthen learning systems
For the future
Supporting and empowering educators

Tu clase, tu país commitment includes contributing to close the digital divide an enhance connectivity for education, trough the availability of a world class platform and experience to assure the education continuity for students, implementing solutions and support at school or educational system requirement, to educational resources delivery and online classes.
Also, to empower teachers and improve their status, offering high quality professional development for teachers and school leaders, based on our updated strategies and focused on strengthening XXI century skills and develop new teaching practices.
Tu clase, tu país team has the knowledge and experience to support the definition of strategies, the development and instructional design of training programs, and the implementation of these programs on a massive scale.

Regional Focus

Latin America and Caribbean

Countries of Interest

Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Peru

Member Video

Tu clase, tu país is an organization born in Chile to improve the professional development of teachers and school leaders. In the past seven years, we have supported the training of more than 250.000 teachers in seven Latin American countries, with an innovative model and a world-class platform. Our commitment is to support the implementation of innovative strategies for teachers professional development and education continuity for students, in any context, in order to assure de right of a quality education for everyone.

Action areas

Learner Wellbeing

Learning opportunities

Universal Connectivity

Distribute hardware and relevant software to disadvantaged learners and teachers

Digital Learning Content

Digitize curriculum
Develop or provide free and contextually appropriate learning content
Create or enable access to teacher training resources
Validate and certify learning

Capacity Development

Capacity development to support distance learning
Capacity development to support and provide training to teaching staff

Primary Contact

Mr. Eugenio Severin


Senior Contact

Ms. Dely Núñez