In a technology-driven world, understanding scientific and technological interrelationships is paramount for participation in society. We are invested in strengthening and supporting science and technology education through active committee engagement and operative educational work. Our engagement bundles discovery-based learning with value-building actions, helping to shape a socially-oriented, strong person.
Siemens Stiftung
Munich, Germany
Non-profit organization
Established : 2008
Education and COVID-19 Response
Teachers are at the heart of every education system and therefore need special attention. We believe in empowering teachers by improving their knowledge of subject matter and pedagogical skills and support them in their capacity building.
In two ways, Siemens Stiftung is able to contribute to this goal: OER for STEM and Method pages. We provide free access to high-quality STEM education material that help teachers present diverse, real-world-oriented STEM experiences. OER can also be adapted to the cultural and educational needs of various regions and the individual requirements of the students, allowing teachers to prepare their lessons more easily and find an interesting way to teach STEM. Another part of our Media Portal are our presentation of teaching methods such as Inquiry-based Learning (active acquisition of knowledge), Inclusive Learning (teaching content to diverse classes), and Service-Learning (students take what they learn in the classroom and apply it their community).
Regional Focus
Countries of Interest
Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Ghana, Nigeria
We, as Siemens Stiftung, can provide resources and expertise to enable remote- and self-learning and support in teacher capacity building with our Media Portal for STEM. With our over 4,000 open educational STEM resources, we help teachers to present a diverse, real-world-oriented classroom experience. OER can also be adapted to the cultural and educational needs of various regions and to the individual requirements of the students. This aspect is increasingly important, given the growing diversity of classrooms.
By systematically investing in OER, we as a foundation are doing our part to create equal access to education and opportunity. We offer interactive educational media for students in their own student area. There they can find experiments, puzzles, tests, educational games, and explainer videos for learning, to use in presentations and for self-learning. On our Media Portal we also focus on capacity building for teachers. We highlight exciting teaching methods and educational models for STEM subjects. We provide information on inquiry-based learning, inclusive learning, and service-learning.
Action areas
Learner Wellbeing
Digital Learning Content
Capacity Development

Primary Contact
Ms. Jacqueline Wiafe