We commit to provide open access to Renueva, an online campus with a selection of adapted Escuela Nueva Activa content, strategies, resources and processes that support teachers, particularly of rural mutligrade settings, in the continuation of student´s learning processes from home, as well as in the gradual return to schools.
Fundación Escuela Nueva
Bogotá, Colombia
Non-profit organization
Established : 1987
Education and COVID-19 Response
Through experiential training and follow up strategies, we guide, support and empower teachers to improve their practice and implement active, participatory and cooperative learning strategies in their classrooms, transforming their role from transmitters of information to facilitators of learning.
By shifting the heart of the learning process from teachers to students, we also motivate and empower teachers to generate warm, kind and protective learning environments that motivate children to learn.
Furthermore, to advance the empowerment of teachers, we encourage teacher networks that foster collaboration, professional development and exchange among peers.
Regional Focus
Latin America and Caribbean
Countries of Interest
Colombia, Mexico, Peru
Our commitment to advance the Coalition´s mission is to provide open access to our online campus Renueva (currently only available in Spanish language), which is a collaborative online space that enables discussion, exchange and reflection on teachers´ pedagogic practice. Its objective is to bring together teachers and practitioners, particularly from Latin America, and build a robust Community of Practice that contributes to educational quality through the exchange of active, participatory and cooperative learning experiences, centered on the child, such as those of the world renowned Escuela Nueva model.
Renueva´s content, and the processes it encourages, currently offers Escuela Nueva Activa strategies, elements and instruments adapted to the new distance learning scenario and the home as the new center of learning. Thus, we trust this platform provides useful and relevant tools that help respond to educational challenges UNESCO Member States are facing, as a result of COVID19 and widespread school closures.
Action areas
Learner Wellbeing
Digital Learning Content
Primary Contact
Ms. Clarita Arboleda