The National library of France is the custodian of both national and global collections. It intends to meet the needs of both the academic world and the general public on its premises and distantly, at the national level and worldwide through embracing innovation and the digital revolution.
The National Library of France
Paris, France
Academic or research
Established : 1537
Education and COVID-19 Response
For more than 20 years, our multimedia Publishing Department has designed and produced online editorial projects both for the general public and the world of education (students, teachers). With more than 4 million visits a year across our 102 websites, these digital projects have proved to be a valuable and relevant extension of the physical exhibitions and events held at the BnF.
We also lead three thematic portals and offer free digital creative tools – such as the app “BDnF, the comics factory”- for re-appropriating works and collections from the BnF, and beyond culture and heritage in the broader sense. During the latest period of school closure, our audience increased thanks to younger users. We have been able to bounce back and offer a range of diversified resources — virtual exhibitions, free apps, video games — showing that heritage institutions are identified as safe havens in such a context.
Regional Focus
Countries of Interest
Japan, United States of America, Canada, Lebanon, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Bnf has been able to take part to the equitable continuation of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic through dedicating right away a page on its website to introduce all its online resources freely available and usable within an educational context at home or distantly. Among those resources one may mention: classes.bnf.fr, expositions.bnf.fr, resources for learning French as a second language, the Shared Heritage collection, and resources available to a broader audience —translated in English — like the the free APP “BDnf, the comics factory” and the virtual exhibitions online and video game fantasy.bnf.fr podcasts and a selection of ebooks as well . The BnF has mobilized its digital galaxy to reach out far beyond its usual audiences and offer solutions to the disruption of education both at the national and international level. Through acting so, the BnF has been true to its commitment and its missions, it has taken its share of the responsibility as a heritage institution and in a democracy in a time of crisis which means to meet all needs and to be part of the community as an act of citizenry.
Action areas
Learner Wellbeing
Universal Connectivity
Digital Learning Content
Capacity Development
Primary Contact
Mr. Bruno Sagna