CSF pledges to deploy free open-source information technology for sustainable equitable responses to the pandemic. CSF will bring its knowledge and insights into strengthening education management information systems in the context of the pandemic and to build resilient education systems for the future. Better data. Better education.
Community Systems Foundation
Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America
Non-profit organization
Established : 1963
Education and COVID-19 Response
CSF applies information technology solutions for sustainable development that leaves no one behind. We are committed to working with the Coalition to find solutions to ensure no one is left behind during or after the pandemic. At the same time, we elevate the importance of equity and gender equality in educational responses to the COVID-19 crisis through responsive data systems that ensure critical information is available to decision-makers.
Regional Focus
Countries of Interest
India, South Africa, Jordan, Chile, Cambodia
CSF is a non-profit organisation registered in the USA in 1963, with a global network of over 100 senior advisors and supported by software technology labs in the USA, India, and Singapore. We have implemented more than 1650 projects in over 130 countries with funding from government, multilateral donors, and research institutes.
CSF engages with communities to build solutions that harness the power of data to benefit communities economically, socially, and environmentally, in support of the 2030 Agenda. CSF develops innovative data-driven solutions for:
Health, nutrition, education, child protection, environment, gender;
Policy development, programme design, programme monitoring and evaluation;
Institution building, management training and data analytics.
CSF commits to advance the Coalition’s mission in two specific ways to the COVID-19 crisis:
Rapid deployment of the free open-source OpenEMIS Vaccination Module to assist Ministries of Education in planning, implementing, and monitoring COVID-19 vaccination of staff in campaigns to reach all education institutions (https://tinyurl.com/VaccinationModule)
Collaboration with Coalition members in the design of an OpenEMIS Vaccination Passport mobile app, powered by blockchain technology, for use by Ministries of Education to verify the vaccination status of individual staff members and students (https://tinyurl.com/VaccinationPassport).
Action areas
Learner Wellbeing
Digital Learning Content
Capacity Development
Advocacy and Communication

Primary Contact
Mr. Jon Kapp