“La Caixa” Foundation aims to build a better and fairer society, through supporting medical research, bringing knowledge closer to society through the culture & science centers, promoting the transformation of society through the social programs, and improving the educational system, working to give opportunities to those most in need.

"La Caixa" Foundation

Barcelona, Spain
Non-profit organization
Established : 1904
Education and COVID-19 Response


Strengthen learning systems
For the future
Supporting and empowering educators

To empower teachers and improve their status, EduCaixa is committed to offer high quality teacher training programs, as well as, facilitating and promoting the assessment culture and the evidence-based practice.

In EduCaixa, we provide evidence-based resources to inform the practice of teachers and senior leaders, we make accessible summaries of educational research available, as well as we test the impact of high-potential projects to generate new evidences in partnership with the Education Endowment Fund, and working closely with schools and universities.

EduCaixa recognizes teachers, as well as Schools Directors and members of the School Board, as the key value to transform and improve the education system, that is why we offer teacher training programs working closely with the MIT, the Harvard University, the University College of London, the Education Endowment Foundation, or the University of British Columbia.

Regional Focus

Europe and North America

Countries of Interest

Spain, Portugal


“La Caixa” Foundation provides social, cultural, and civic services aimed at building a better and fairer society, giving more opportunities to those most in need.

Through the (1) CaixaProinfancia program, we have helped more than 330.780 children from impoverished Spanish households, providing social and educational development. We promote the digital education of children in vulnerable situation in more than 40 countries together with the Telefónica Foundation, through (2) ProFuturo Foundation. The (3) Fellowship Program, consists on fostering talent in research at the best research centers and universities, having awarded more than 5.200 postgraduate students since 1982.

The (4) EduCaixa Program offers educational programmes, activities, and resources with three clear goals: promoting the students’ development of the 21st century skills and competences -- through 8 annual national challenges --, fostering the professional development of teachers, through the Leadership Program addressed to Directors and members of the School Boards, and generating and transferring evidence-based education, assessing and disseminating educational practices through alliances with international institutions. More than 2 million students, 8.000 schools, and 45.000 teachers participate in the EduCaixa Programs annually.

Action areas

Learner Wellbeing

Learning opportunities
Social and emotional support

Digital Learning Content

Establish and expand repositories of learning resources
Create or enable access to teacher training resources
Validate and certify learning

Capacity Development

Capacity development to support and provide training to teaching staff

Advocacy and Communication

Assess the short-term impact of educational disruption
Evaluate the effectiveness of distance learning strategies

Primary Contact

Ms. Maria Espinet Alegre

Evidence-based Education Manager

Senior Contact

Ms. Patricia Alocén Guzmán

Education Department Director