We strengthen the Coalition’s mission by technical education for the benefit of employability and sustainable future. We offer a holistic approach to technical education and training whether it's digital or hands-on. We are committed to create impact and make a difference for future generations through projects and partnerships.


Esslingen-Berkheim, Germany
Private sector company
Established : 1925
Education and COVID-19 Response


Support the equitable continuation of learning
During the COVID-19 pandemic
Ensure a full and fair return to education
Following the pandemic
Strengthen learning systems
For the future
Close digital divides and enhance connectivity for education

Festo Learning Experience (Festo LX)

With the digital learning portal Festo Learning Experience (Festo LX), Festo Didactic offers the Coalition a holistic approach to technical education and training. The focus is on the needs of learners and teachers because learning is as individual as people themselves.
On Festo LX, we offer a wide range of didactically prepared learning content for many technical areas, from pneumatics, hydraulics, and STEM to Industry 4.0. Industry expertise combined with the didactic know-how of Festo.

Create a free account and learn about
Introduction to Water Cycle and Water Management, Water Purification and Supply, Wastewater Transport and Treatment, Sand Filtration for Water Purification, Membrane Filter Process in Water Management, Mechanical Pre-Treatment for Wastewater, and Adsorption in Water Management.

Regional Focus



Megatrends such as climate change and digitalization influence many areas of life. As a result, technical education and training are also changing. Technical Education is essential for sustainable development and paving the way to a more sustainable future because technical education and training teach skills and competencies to approach challenges in a solution-oriented manner and to shape the future in the interest of future generations. Festo Didactic aims to make an important contribution to the technical qualification of future generations and current employees with its comprehensive range of digital and hands-on training and learning solutions.

Action areas

Learner Wellbeing

Learning opportunities

Digital Learning Content

Digitize curriculum
Establish and expand repositories of learning resources
Develop or provide free and contextually appropriate learning content
Build or strengthen learning platforms
Create or enable access to teacher training resources
Validate and certify learning
Provision of books and printed learning materials

Primary Contact

Ms. Marcela Marín Villegas

Project Manager - Global Education

Senior Contact

Ms. Elfi Klumpp

Head of Partnership Development Global